SEO Meta title

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    seo website

Meta title​

Page title.
From a technical point of view, <title> is not a meta tag, but a meta title.
The meta title <title> in the html code looks like this:
    <title>Page header</title>
The meta title is the first thing that user will see in the search result, because the snippet title is based on the meta title.

Recommendations for using the meta tag title​

  • The title should be attractive to the user, but shouldn't mislead the user.
  • Each page of the site must have a meta title, the title must contain keywords (no more than 2-3).
  • The length of the title should be no more than 60-75 characters, otherwise the search engine will simply cut it off.
  • Avoid duplicating meta titles, otherwise the search engine will not understand which page is more suitable for the key query.
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