Click-through Rate

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Underground Forum

Underground Forum

  • #1
This metric shows us how many readers took a specific action: opened the email, clicked on links within it, and navigated to the website. It represents the percentage of clicks relative to the number of delivered emails. This is an indicator of reader engagement and their willingness to interact with the brand. It is directly related to the open rate.

There are several ways to work with this metric:

  1. Send relevant content in your emails based on the segmentation of your audience and their previous actions in the email.
  2. Adapt the design for mobile devices.
  3. Make images in the email clickable.
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  • #2
Well to track metrics of users behavior you can use literally trackers, software for tracking everything on your page, also there is such thing as little pixel in the end of email connected to tracker, i guess people who does that thing know what im talking about, so you can use that as well


  • #3
By the way with that i can add a word about cloaking services also provide such features but it actually side feature for them, not main