Configuring dual DKIM in PowerMTA
By default, PowerMTA supports the ability to add a second DKIM-Signature header.
To configure double DKIM, open virtualhost.txt
<virtual-mta TEST-vmta>
domain-key dkim1,,/etc/pmta/ # First key, dkim1 - key selector...
RPM package install
A clean install for those who don't want to install extra packages. A server running CentOS 7 is suitable.
Download the RPM package
PMTA 4.5r1:
PMTA 5.0b1:
*** Hidden text: You do not...
Adding new SMTP user
After installing PowerMTA manually, you will need to create a new SMTP user and virtual-mta. To create an user, edit the virtualhost.txt file:
# Adding new VMTA-user
<smtp-user user1> # user's name
password password XXXXX # user's password...
SMTP port in pmta config
To change the SMTP port in PMTA, find and edit the config file at /etc/pmta/config
Find the line that starts with smtp-listener
This line specifies the port used by the PMTA server. If you need to use several ports, duplicate the line.
smtp-listener 0/0:2424...
CLI commands for PMTA server
PowerMTA reboot
service pmta restart
Reloading the pmta config
pmta reload
Reload pmtahttp
pmtahttp restart
Launching PowerMTA
service pmta start
Search for possible errors
pmtad --debug
Reset statistics
pmta reset counters
Checking the status of PMTA...
What is the main configuration file of PMTA
This is a file which is located in the etc/pmta/ directory of your server and responsible for the rules of sending mail from a particular domain/ip address.
Two files are responsible for the configuration of your mail server, config and...