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Suitable for Debian 11?*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***
Yes should be. Try the .deb file.Suitable for Debian 11?
sudo dpkg -i package_name.deb
hello*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
is this safe to use ???Thanks for share!
Works fine for me.Update: It is not working.
It can be installed yes but mailing is messed up.
It will take a photo of your face and upload it to Pornhub, so wear a face mask.is this safe to use ???
No it doesnt include pmta management console. v5.0r8 is latest version of r7. i bought from codermails.comdoes anyone know this compares to the v5.0r8? or v5.5r3 ?
also does this include the PMTA Management Console?
hey was this screenshot form the Management console? is it included in this package? Thanks!Works fine for me.
Where are you experiencing problems? I would be more likely to assume a configuration error.
One example. Almost all mails are being delivered.
Yes. The web monitor console is included.hey was this screenshot form the Management console? is it included in this package? Thanks!
It does. Is that your site that you are referencing to? Vikash.kumar2345 on skype. Same name.No it doesnt include pmta management console. v5.0r8 is latest version of r7. i bought from codermails.com
Thanks*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Hello there, I am trying to setup KumoMTA to send out bulk emails for my business. You have a guide or something? The docs are not particularly helpful. Thank YouI found an open source alternative to powermta. KumoMTA.
Its relatively new and completley free. But the documention isnt great and there arent real tutorials out there for configuring it.
After some work it works fine. If anyone need help you can ask me.
Join the discord. They are very helpful.Hello there, I am trying to setup KumoMTA to send out bulk emails for my business. You have a guide or something? The docs are not particularly helpful. Thank You
Hi can send me pleas*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***