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Keitaro TDS
Keitaro is a universal tracker for traffic arbitration and CPA marketing. Traffic targeting, campaign efficiency improvement, flexible reports, and bot protection are among its key features.Official License: Paid
Activation Key: Not required / Activated (fix null)
Rights Holder: keitaro.io
What is Keitaro TDS 8.3.6 Pro used for:
- Traffic Arbitration:
- Collect all advertising traffic and distribute it to suitable offers, considering user characteristics such as country, city, device type, and mobile operator.
- Traffic Monetization:
- Connect a small code to the site and be able to redirect a certain part of the audience to special offers or display popup ads.
- Banner Rotator:
- Set up banner display through Keitaro TDS and configure banner display for each audience segment.
Software Requirements:
- Web Server: Apache (Nginx with PHP-FPM is recommended)
- Database: MySQL 5.1+ (MariaDB is recommended)
- PHP Version: PHP 5.6+ (PHP 7+ is not supported!)
- Loader: IonCube Loader 5+
- php_iconv
- php_curl
- php_zip
- php_hash
- mbstring
- zlib
Geo-bases for Keitaro 7-9
A set of fresh geo-databases, databases of mobile operators and bots for keitaro tracker versions 7.x.x - 9.x.x. The kit includes: - Maxmind City Lite (Legacy) (GeoLiteCity) - var/geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat. Sections: countries, regions, cities; - Sypex City Lite (SxGeoCity) -...

Download keitaro:
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New (Clean) Installation of Keitaro TDS 8.x on the Server:
- Check if the server meets the required parameters using the script install.php.
- Unpack the files from the archive on the host (server).
- Create a MySQL database and enter the connection details in the file application/config/config.ini.php.
- Import the data from the file database.sql (found in the archive) into the created database.
After the import, do not forget to delete this file. - Set the necessary permissions for the var folder and all its contents (recursively).
5.1. If PHP is running in CGI or FastCGI mode, set the directory var to 755 and all other files to 655:
cd /keitaro_directory chmod 755 -R ./var
5.2 Ensure that the file owner matches the owner of the PHP processes:
chown -R user:group ./
Admin panel access:
http://your_domain/admin Login: admin Password: admin
To change the default admin password, go to the script's admin panel, navigate to the menu:
"Maintenance" - "Users" - "Edit" user admin.
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